History of the USA - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • United States, history of the.
  • Ahlstrom, Sydney E., A Religious History of the American People (1972).
  • Fleeting Moments: Nature and Culture in American History (1990) ; Blum, John.
  • Preston, Daniel, Twentieth Century United States History (1992) ; Schlereth.
  • America, a vast nation that arose from a scattering of British colonial outposts in the New World.
  • Canada and established several settlements there.
  • English colonization of the region along the Atlantic coast.
  • ROANOKE on the Virginia coast.
  • 1607 became JAMESTOWN, the first permanent English colony in the New World.
  • 10,000 who had immigrated, only 2,000 remained alive.



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