In what way is pygmalion a shavian play - Реферат по английскому языку



  • Instead the preface of Pygmalion focuses more on one of the themes in the play, Phonetics.
  • The play "Pygmalion" is the good study-book in which the determinism issues are considered.
  • The Shavian forethought is felt in the whole play.
  • But "Pygmalion" would not be Shavian if there were no didactics, contrasts and many-sidedness.
  • Shaw named the plays "plays-discussions".
  • They need to know something about their background, what they are doing on or in a certain scene.
  • The audience also needs this background information to understand actions in the course of the play.
  • Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw does not have anything similar.
  • It also includes some personal opinions on the play.
  • Entirely clear the intention pursued by Shaw, having named the play a name of the mythical king.



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