Lithium - реферат по английскому языку



  • For this reason, lithium metal is typically stored under the cover of petroleum.
  • Lithium in its elemental state is highly flammable.
  • According to theory, lithium was one of the few elements synthesized in the Big Bang.
  • Lithium also has important links to nuclear physics.
  • This reaction is energetic, forming hydrogen gas and lithium hydroxide in aqueous solution.
  • [8] Due to its reactivity with water, lithium is usually stored in mineral oil or kerosene.
  • Lithium will ignite and burn in oxygen when exposed to water or water vapours.
  • Lithium has a diagonal relationship with magnesium, an element of similar atomic and ionic radius.
  • The name of this element was later standardized as "lithium".
  • The production and use of lithium underwent several drastic changes in history.




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