Mark Twain (1835-1910) english - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • Susy, Mark Twain’s daughter began the biography of her father when she was fourteen years old.
  • And that, in 1885, was the family of Mark Twain, whose real name was Samual langhorn Clemens.
  • On the twenty-third birthday he got a pilot’s license, and took the name of Mark Twain.
  • It was as pilot that Mark Twain learned to know human nature of the world round him.
  • When in 1861 the Сivil War broke out steamboating ceased and Mark Twain was left without work.
  • In 1880, Mark Twain finished the Prience and the Pauper.
  • The books mark Twain wrotes for chidren, he wrote with great happiness.
  • Mark Twain was writing and lecturing.
  • His ftiends never used his pen name of "Mark Twain".
  • The death of Jean was Mark Twain’s last work.



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