Myth of managment - Реферат по английскому языку



  • In English we use terms as manager, administrator, executive or simple decision maker.
  • Yet each of these terms fails someone to capture the true significance of the human being.
  • The manager is the man who decides among alternative choises.
  • He must decide which choise he believes will lead to a certain desired objectives.
  • But his decision is not an abstract one, because it creates a type of reality.
  • We say that the manger is one who has the authority to make such choices.
  • So broad a description of the manager makes managers of us all.
  • In the connection management is contrasted with labor.
  • Thus the head of a labor union, the state legislator.
  • The head of a goverment agency, the foreman of a shop are all managers in our sense.



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