Pipeline transport of Russia. Transneft - Реферат по педагогике



  • The main pipeline transport is major and integral component of fuel and energy complex of Russia.
  • The history of pipeline transport of Russia has gone through main changes.
  • History of pipeline transport of Russia….…..3.
  • The universal oil pipeline system was left only in Russia.
  • The Russian pipeline systems most actively developed in 60-80- years.
  • Truboprovodny transport nefti (Oil Pipelines) , No. 2, 2001.
  • Already in the fourth five-year-plan period, new oil pipelines were built.
  • Preparation of the pipeline route was started on April 10, 1946 near the Subkhankulovo village.
  • By pumping oil into the pipeline, they gradually forced out the water pressure.
  • In 1949, the 300 mm diameter and 133 km long Tujmazy-Buguruslan pipeline was laid down.



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