Pipeline capacity and economics - Статья по экономической теории



  • This is evident that the planning is to allow an increase in capacity along the run of the pipeline.
  • Calculations show how the capacity gained quite considerably along the run of the pipeline.
  • The capacity of the pipeline can be also fluctuate when the length of the pipeline is varied.
  • Compressor stations and compressors generally added to a pipeline to increase capacity.
  • The daily capacity along the pipeline would be 1.36 mm3/day.
  • Effect of Inlet pressure on pipeline capacity.
  • Figure 1. Pipeline capacity increases with increased inlet pressure.
  • Figure 6.The effect of pipeline length on capacity.
  • In the design and planning of the physical pipeline systems several variables are to be considered.
  • This is shown as a capacity factor or as volumetric capacity for daily deliverables.



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