Efficiency of economic safety of the coal companies and population of coal regions - Статья по экономической теории



  • And such helpless on fault of the state of the people with each year becomes ever more and more.
  • Corrected by the country and rather successfully 34 years, Peter?
  • 43 years are even more successful.
  • The consequences of such symbiosis are even worse and more dangerously, than cocktail.
  • The state should not depend on banks and at each financial failure of commercial banks.
  • Whether it is time to wake them or to call for the order.
  • Д.т.н, academician МАНЭБ Ampere-second.
  • Голик, к.э.н., honourable veteran Подмосковья, academician Н.А. Лебедкин.
  • Social stratification economy manufacture.



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