Pravomonarhist movement - Реферат по английскому языку



  • In 1906 - 1908 gg. pravomonarhicheskoe movement becomes the most massive socio-political trend.
  • Thus pravomonarhicheskoe movement was an important factor in social life of Belarus in the period.
  • Suvalova, EN The history of social movements and political parties: Textbook.
  • Across the country, have appeared numerous reactionary organization.
  • More than 200 towns and villages of Russia empire acted monarchist organization.
  • However, statistics on the Black Hundreds in different sources differ.
  • It is estimated that the Police Department, at that time there were about 410 thousand people.
  • Pravomonarhicheskie association took an active part in the elections to the State Duma.
  • And the creation of some of them as time and was due to conduct of election campaigns.
  • Thus, in the last Duma, 30 of the 36 deputies from Belarus were in the right block [6, pp.292] .



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