Radio And TV In My Life - реферат по прочим предметам



  • Radio plays an important role in reflecting the life of society and building opinions.
  • When I come home from school I turn on the radio, leave it on and go about my household duties.
  • The best radio station for me is Europa Plus and Radio Maximum.
  • As for me my favourit radio station is "Europa plus".
  • So the best radio for me is "Europa Plus" and I like to listen to it.
  • That’s why I think that we can’t live without TV and radio nowadays.
  • It is the quickest means of spreading news and the information.
  • It performs the service of information well enough but on TV everything is much more real.
  • So they give us a lot of useful information and are exciting.
  • So I am actually doing two things at one and the same time.



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