Supremacy of law is in the Ukrainian State - Реферат по основам права



  • [4] Logically the socium and the state can also be considered as the supreme values.
  • Swift vital changes suppose finding of new arguments by the law for providing of its effectiveness.
  • In fact, legal values from such image of law which professionals further used in legal life.
  • And the two positions should deserve special discussion.
  • Besides in different cultures different social significance is attached to these social blessings.
  • Meanwhile, in all these cases the hierarchy of these supreme values is inevitable.
  • The most meaningful legal values are justice, absolute law, constitution, law, court, etc.
  • Философия права / Под ред.
  • М.: Эксима, 2006.
  • Закон и бизнес, 22-30 квітня 2010 р. - №17. - С. 10.



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