Modern dialectical materialism - Сочинение по английскому языку



  • Like so much of modern civilisation, we owe it to the ancient Greeks.
  • This has nothing whatever to do with philosophical materialism and idealism.
  • The predominant philosophical trend of the Renaissance was materialism.
  • It fell to Hegel to bring the science of dialectical thinking to its highest point of development.
  • The dialectical philosophy of Hegel deals with processes, not isolated events.
  • This is a startlingly modern and scientific way of looking at the world.
  • Materialism and Idealism.
  • Bukharin, N. I. and others, Marxism and Modern Thought, London, 1935.
  • We are living in a period of profound historical change.
  • The period of upswing in the West in the period of 1948-73 seemed to promise a new dawn.



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