Fables - Статья по прочим предметам



  • "Poor, pitiable animal!" cried the Ant disdainfully.
  • A few days after, when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained.
  • The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank.
  • The Ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot.
  • In pain the birdcatcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove take wing.
  • An Ass once found a Lion’s skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry.
  • He put it on and went towards his native village.
  • All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he was a proud Ass that day.
  • A FLY bit the bare head of a Bald Man who, endeavoring to destroy it, gave himself a heavy slap.
  • TWO MEN were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on their path.



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