Khefren - Статья по прочим предметам



  • Khefren was the son of Kheops and Henutsen, and thus the half-brother of his predecessor, Djedefre.
  • Other sons of Khefren’s were Nikawre and Sekhemkare, but it is not known who their mothers were.
  • During Khefren’s reign, the solar-religion gained in importance.
  • Khefren continued this new tradition.
  • The inner structure of the pyramid of Khefren is less complex than Kheops' as well.
  • A reign of 26 years is generally accepted.
  • His predecessor had already added the title "Son of Re" to the royal titulary.
  • Several statues representing the king seated on a throne were found inside the valley temple.
  • Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта.




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