Legal regulation of guard of lands of housing and public building - статья по основам права



  • Abstract workregulation of guard of lands of housing and public building.
  • Unification of norms and standards for designing technological buildings and supervision over them.
  • Офіційний сайт Верховної Ради України ( .
  • Thus in this case the most significant are requirements to tankers.
  • Convention of UNO on maritime law.
  • Regional agreements) Convention of protection of the Black Sea from contamination.
  • The idea of the similar regional act of the international law appeared in 1969.
  • But on many reasons, development of the given Convention sprawled at time.
  • It was definitively adopted and open for signing in Bucharest on April 21, 1992.
  • Земельний кодекс України: Науково-практичний коментар / За ред.



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