Marc Shagall - Статья по прочим предметам



  • Marc CHAGALL: 1887-1985.
  • "He grabs a church and paints with the church," wrote a poet of the cubist era, Blaise Cendarrs.
  • Paris before 1914.
  • Center in Jerusalem with the soothing light of benign sentiment.
  • He was the fiddler on the roof of modernism.
  • As a student in St.
  • Bakst; an enlightened Jewish patron, Max Vinaver, sent him to Paris that year.
  • Revolution) in the company of Tatlin, Malevich and Kandinsky.
  • It is full of emblems of stringent modernity: the Eiffel Tower, a parachutist.
  • It owes a lot to his friend Robert Delaunay, who made abstractions of Paris windows.



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