Reading books - Статья по прочим предметам



  • Do you like to return to the books that you have once read?
  • Yes, I do. There are certain books that I can read any time from virtually any page.
  • What are these books?
  • It would take me some time simply to mention the books that I love to reread.
  • One of these books is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.
  • Do you read the books of British and American writers in the original or in translation?
  • It is much easier to read books that are already translated into Russian.
  • As I have already said, at the moment I am reading "Tom Sawyer" in the original.
  • Literature is the greatest human property.
  • It is generally known that Russian literature is one of the most voluminous in the world.



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