Signac, Paul - Статья по прочим предметам



  • One of the principal neoimpressionist painters, Paul Signac, b. Nov.
  • Signac published From Delacroix to Neo-Impressionism (1899) , explaining their theories.
  • Signac's prosperous shopkeeping family gave him financial independence.
  • Many of Signac's works are landscapes, inspired by the bright sunlight of southern France.
  • The neoimpressionists influenced the next generation; Signac inspired Henri Matisse in particular.
  • 11, 1863, d. Aug.
  • 15, 1935, worked with Georges Seurat in creating pointillism (or divisionism) .
  • He also painted some figure compositions.
  • Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта.



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