The Golden Hair Girl - Статья по прочим предметам



  • Despite Poloza's refusal, the young Hunter decided to abduct Golden Hair.
  • She lets her hair down, and the water turns into pure gold.
  • This magician had hundreds of guards who watched over all his gold, silver, and jewels he had.
  • They fell in love, decided to get married, and to go to live in the hunter's house.
  • When he did so, the father twice returned his daughter back to the Palace using his magical powers.
  • The young hunter then went to seek advise from the magic wise owl, which lived deep in the forest.
  • This time the magic powers of Poloza were unable to take the daughter away from the Hunter.
  • Knowing this they still decided to live on this island.
  • Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта.



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