United Kingdom: Geographical Position - статья по прочим предметам



  • The U. K. is situated on the group of islands lying just off the mainland of north-western Europe.
  • The British Isles include Great Britain proper, Ireland and a number of smaller islands.
  • Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.
  • The southern part of Ireland is the Republic of Eire.
  • The Pennine Range in northern England and the Cambrian Mountains in Wales are much lower.
  • In the extreme south of England are the famous chalk hills, some of which form the Dover Cliffs.
  • The southern and south-eastern parts of the island lie in varied lowlands.
  • The rivers of the region are short and of no great importance as waterways.
  • The longest of them is the "Father of London", the Thames, which is a little over 200 miles.
  • Britain's principal ports are London, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, Glasgow.



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