Wassillissa the Beautiful - Статья по прочим предметам



  • "Beautiful maiden," he said, "never will I part from thee and thou shalt be my wife.".
  • Then the doll's eyes began to shine like fire-flies, and suddenly it became alive.
  • Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glow-worms, and it would become alive.
  • Years passed, till Wassilissa grew up and became of an age when it is good to marry.
  • But, sitting lonely, time soon began to hang heavy on her hands.
  • The old woman hastened and bought some flax of the best sort and Wassilissa sat down to work.
  • The servants came to ask-her her errand but she answered them nothing, and kept walking up and down.
  • She lived alone and none dared go near the hut, for she ate people as one eats chickens.
  • And each time the stepmother hated her more and more because she came to no harm.
  • One autumn evening the merchant's wife called the three girls to her and gave them each a task.



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