Английская литература (представители) - Учебное пособие по литературе



  • (1660-1731) was a journalist, and that fact itself draws him to our own time.
  • On his own admission, he loved Tom, Dick,and Harry, but hated the animal, Man.
  • Some fools took this seriously.
  • A tree exists because we see it, and if we are not there to see it, God is always there.
  • Things ultimately exist in the mind of God, not of themselves.
  • There is no ultimate truth, and even God is an idea that man has developed for his own needs.
  • (1689-1761) , a professional printer who took to novel-writing when he was fifty.
  • Lovelace seduces her.
  • (A hero should have something of the devil in him.) This novel is far inferior to the other two.
  • (1707-54) . He started his novel-writing career, like Richardson, almost by accident.



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