Scripts of all of Asia - Вопросы по культурологии



  • The following chart shows the only two letters that differ between the Bengali and Assamese scripts.
  • Here are how consonants normally connect with vowels.
  • For example purposes, the letter "k" is used in all languages.
  • Sibliants & Aspirate.
  • "V" is sometimes pronounced like 'w'.
  • "C" is pronounced like 'chew' - so "ch" is like 'thatch-house'.
  • "S'" is prnounced like 'shoe'.
  • "S." is like 'sh' but I've heard it described as being more chesty than "S'".
  • Guttural - pronounced from the back of the throat.
  • Palatal - pronounced with the tounge against the roof of the mouth.



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