Functional words in the English language. Prepositions. Linking words - Диплом по английскому языку



  • RESEARCH WORKTheoretical GrammarTheme: Functional words in the English language.
  • Are inflected function words employed in place of nouns or noun phrases.
  • Prepositions can be simple (as, of) or compound (next to, in view of) forms.
  • In fact as linking word can be used to contrast smth.
  • Indeed as linking word can be used in reinforcement (includes confirmation) .
  • Macmillan English Dictionary For advanced Learners (New edition) , 2011.
  • Verbs are necessary to form questions and negatives in English.
  • Linking devices vary in three ways.
  • Besides as linking word can be used in the following ways.
  • The White Monkey.



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