Pragmatics: rules of conversation - курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • Conversational implicatures have become one of the principal subjects of pragmatics.
  • Speakers sometimes deliberately violate the rules of ordinary conversation to achieve certain ends.
  • Object of the course paper is the Cooperative principle and Maxims of conversation.
  • The study of such conversational implicatures is the core of Grice's influential theory.
  • (1) why speech errors are often ignored (or even go unnoticed) in conversation.
  • So the CP is a mean to make conversation as is effective and efficient one.
  • "Flouting" a maxim (major violation) to create a conversational implicature.
  • Implication: By spelling the word ‘ice-cream’ B wants to make the conversation unclear for children.
  • Bach, Kent, "Conversational Impliciture." - Mind and Language -1994 - pp.124-162.
  • Grice, H. Paul "Further notes on logic and conversation." In P. Cole (ed.) - 1967.



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