Preparation of Cu-based oxygen carriers for Chemical-looping combustion - Курсовая работа (Теория) по химии



  • Layout of chemical-looping combustion process, with two interconnected fluidized beds [3] .
  • Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC).
  • After being doped on the support, the oxygen carriers must be calcined.
  • The produced oxygen carriers should have good qualities.
  • It enhances the mechanical strength of the oxygen carriers and also lowers the attrition rate.
  • Method is suitable for the synthesis of all types of oxygen carriers.
  • 3 Oxygen carriers in CLC process.
  • General oxygen carriers characteristics.
  • There are several very important characteristics that oxygen carriers must possess.
  • MeO/Me denote recirculated oxygen carrier solid material.



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Актуальные Курсовые работы (Теория) по химии