Монархи эпохи Тюдоров /english/ - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • Edward VI was born on October 12, 1537.
  • His parents were England's King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, Henry's third wife.
  • But Queen Jane soon fell ill with childbed fever, and on October 24 she died.
  • Until the age of six Edward was raised by his nurse, Mother Jack, and other servants.
  • She was a highly learned woman who personally oversaw Prince Edward's education.
  • Edward's tutors taught him geography, government, history, French, German, Greek, and Latin.
  • Perhaps most important to Edward was his study of the Scriptures.
  • Although Edward was serious and studious, at times he displayed a savage temper.
  • According to one account, he once tore a living falcon into four pieces.
  • The admiral was arrested and charged with treason.



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