Analysis: Atheism worldwide in decline - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • Two developments are plaguing atheism these days.
  • Atheism's other Achilles heel are the acts on inhumanity and lunacy committed in its name.
  • Atheism, he insisted, will come in at the tail end.
  • There seems to be a growing consensus around the globe that godlessness is in trouble.
  • His Oxford colleague Alister McGrath agrees.
  • One is that it appears to be losing its scientific underpinnings.
  • Flew still does not accept the God of the Bible.
  • Zulehner cautions, however, that in the rest of Europe re-Christianization is by no means occurring.
  • As for the "peril of spirituality," Zulehner sounded quite sanguine.
  • "The great world religions are best placed," he said.



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