Comets&Logic \english\ - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • Let us value the frequency of the comets rise.
  • Existing Views (hypotheses) On The Comets Formation Mechanism.
  • A Concrete Comets Formation Mechanism.
  • The year of 1986 is the Halley comet year.
  • The history of cometology retained the following curious case.
  • The Nemesida hypothesis (the dwarfish star - the satellite of the Sun) did not save the situation.
  • Yet it’s obvious, that this mechanism demandes too high initial speed.
  • The author considers this point of view as an intermediate stage on the way to the truth.
  • During these collisions the rings may be pierced through because they are not very dense.
  • A typical size of the particles is about 1 cm (in accordance with the data of "Pioneer-11") .



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