Judaism and the Jewish People - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • THE JEWISH PEOPLE descend from nomadic tribes in the Middle East.
  • Jewish kingdoms and states are centered around Jerusalem, the site of the Temple.
  • Judaism does not encourage conversions but has always accepted converts from other religions.
  • Modern religious movements develop, abandoning the common bases of traditional Judaism.
  • After the Arab conquest, the Jewish population declines further.
  • For many, Jewishness becomes a secular and national identity.
  • Many Jewish communities sink into poverty, and only a few continue to prosper.
  • COMMUNITIES ARE AT THE CENTER of Jewish life in the Diaspora.
  • AFTER THE CRUSADES, expulsions of entire Jewish communities become frequent events.
  • In 1290, all Jews are expelled from England - about 16,000 people.



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