Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi - курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • 2 Stylistic peculiarities of G. Byrons poem The Prisoner of Chillon as a literary work.
  • Sonnet on Chillon differs from The Prisoner of Chillon in style and mood.
  • Sonnet on Chillon does not present any peculiarities worth of detailed discussion on this level.
  • 6 Lingual-stylistic peculiarities of the prosodic means and their rendering.
  • There are more than 30 examples of metaphor usage in the Prisoner of Chillon.
  • Altogether, there are three rhetorical questions and nine exclamations in The Prisoner of Chillon.
  • In the Sonnet on Chillon there are five exclamations and no rhetorical questions at all.
  • This means is used in The Prisoner of Chillon four times.
  • Zhukovs`kyi, P. Hrabovs`kyi, and M. Kabaliuk render it in a following way.
  • What concerns chain repetition, there are two examples of it in Sonnet on Chillon.



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