Patriarchy theory - Реферат по английскому языку



  • This differs radically from the theoretical framework of patriarchy theory.
  • This is an inbuilt confusion in theories which claim to "marry" Marxism and patriarchy theory.
  • This has been the road to accepting the theory of patriarchy for many Marxists.
  • Hartmann purported to provide a materialist analysis of patriarchy.
  • This framework fits neatly with Hartmann’s view of society as both capitalism and patriarchy.
  • In other words, patriarchy is more fundamental than capitalism.
  • There is no separate power structure of patriarchy.
  • This is the dead end to which the ideas of male power and patriarchy have led.
  • The theory was developed by feminists such as Juliet Mitchell and Miriam Dixson who, in her book.
  • Patriarchy, Hartmann says, "largely organizes reproduction, sexuality, and childrearing.".



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