Problem of meaning ambiguity in a language - Реферат по английскому языку



  • Language is an organizer of the world into meaningful units and gives form to experience.
  • For example, identifying an ambiguity can aid in solving a philosophical problem.
  • The above examples of ambiguity are each a case of one word with more than one meaning.
  • The meaning of ambiguity.
  • A word, phrase, or sentence is ambiguous if it has more than one meaning.
  • What does ambiguity do? How is poetic indeterminacy constitutive of propositional content?
  • The notion of ambiguity has philosophical applications.
  • On the other hand, gratuitous claims of ambiguity can make for overly simple solutions.
  • Lexical ambiguity is more common.
  • '. There are various tests for ambiguity.



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