The sights of USA. - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • So we see now that USA is really fascinating country that has a lot of sights to be visited.
  • On a short trip, it can be hard work dismantling your preconceptions.
  • There are 400,000 speakers of Native American dialects.
  • Modern American culture is a juicy burger of mass culture garnished with 15 minutes of fame.
  • The elusive concept of 'American-ness' is often defined by cinema and television.
  • African Americans' influence, including blues, jazz and hip-hop, can hardly be exaggerated.
  • Its appeal to middle-class white America will no doubt bemuse sociologists for decades.
  • The US has churned out a veritable forest of literature.
  • After WWII, the focus of the international art world shifted from Paris to New York.
  • The relentless ascendancy of mass media gave birth to pop art.



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