Who became kamikaze pilots, and how did they feel towards their suicide mission? - реферат по истории



  • Feel towards their suicide mission? is that any pilot devoted to the country, who.
  • This essay focuses on how they felt about their suicide mission.
  • They felt about their suicide mission.
  • How the pilots had felt towards their mission.
  • The pilots felt it was "obvious" that they were to take part in the Kamikaze attacks.
  • The pilots feel "happy and proud" to be involved in the Kamikaze attacks.
  • This extended essay is about the Kamikaze pilots who made suicide attacks from the.
  • The hypothesis behind the question, Who were the Kamikaze pilots and how did they.
  • If they believed that ever-lasting happiness would follow their mission, there was.
  • Kamikaze pilots, and the region of research was within Japan, mainly Kyushu.



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