Турецкая кухня /english/ - Статья по прочим предметам



  • My poor knowledge concerning to the turkish kitchen will be stated below in brief.
  • As it is probably well known to everyone, turks are very legible in meat.
  • Therefore they basically give back their sympathies to the mutton.
  • Other dish from the mutton meat, about which I would like to narrate, is "Lakhmadzu".
  • But let's return to our rams.
  • An all this mass is being baked on the special large pan in the furnace.
  • This process lasts about one minute.
  • I dare to notice, that "Donner" is liked to me more than "Lakhmadzu".
  • Turkey, as was already spoken above, country of very hot sun.
  • You are terribly thirsty, but alas, the more you drink water the thirst becomes stronger.



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