Загадки Якутии /english/ - Статья по прочим предметам



  • The strange rumours are afloat about the hidden place in the source of Viluy!
  • There were fearless men, that spent the night in these rooms, but thereafter they began to be ill.
  • And those people, who ventured to sleep some nights in succession there, died.
  • There is also the mysterious huge boiler of red colour there.
  • For three seasons Michael Petrovich saw seven "boilers" by the diameter from six up to nine meters.
  • Even the perfected chisel couldn't injure the metal, from which they were made.
  • The guys, young, healthy, tried more than once.
  • Beat by the large hammer.
  • Even appreciable deepenings have remained on the steel but there were no scratches on the "boiler".
  • Besides the layer of the unknown material, similar to sandpaper covered this metal.



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