Some problems of accentual structure in English - курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • [, _'___] . The accentual type marks a great number of simple words and some compound words as well.
  • The accentual structure of this type may include two and more syllables, e. g.
  • The questions of typology of accentual structure.
  • Accentual structure word stress.
  • It seems to cause some ambiguity when related to word stress.
  • ['___] . This accentual type marks both simple and compound words.
  • Here, we shall analyze the English stress according to different degrees.
  • English stress as a phenomenon.
  • Crystal D. - The English of voice - Ldn, 1975.
  • Vassilyev V. A. English Phonetics: A theoretical course - M., 1970.



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