Semisynthetic and synthetic antibiotics - Диплом по медицине, физкультуре и здравоохранению



  • They are often employed for the synthesis of semisynthetic antibiotics.
  • In this way, semisynthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, etc.
  • Antibiotics - are defined as microbial products that inhibit growth of other microorganisms.
  • Role of antibiotics in producing microorganisms.
  • Antibiotics are the typical secondary metabolites produced by microorganisms.
  • However, the function of antibiotics in the environment can be observed only with difficulty.
  • If the antibiotics are used, higher farming yields are often reached.
  • Side effects of antibiotics.
  • In addition to their positive effects, antibiotics can also have negative effects.
  • Sometimes toxic compounds can be formed when antibiotics are transformed in the organism.




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