Project of decoding of "The Stermer Effect" (Сигналы из космоса, серии Штермера) - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • The phenomenon is described by K.Stermer in his.
  • Stermer and Hals recorded the intervals between the main signal and the mysterious echo.
  • ‘The Echo of Short Waves, Which Comes Back in Many Seconds After The Main Signal’.
  • In July Prof.
  • Atmospheric disturbances were insignificant at that time.
  • The frequency of echoes was equal to that of the main signal.
  • Silicon carbide is alloyed with nitrogen and boron with ‘some participation’ of fluorine.
  • In the fifth series simply fluorine is educed as a useful but very aggressive gas.
  • Inert neon seems to divide optoelectronic devices.
  • In 1928 semi-conductor devices were not in use on Earth.



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