The unions of artists - "THE BLUE ROSE" AND "THE JACK OF DIAMONDS" - Реферат по английскому языку



  • It has appeared that soil where painting of "the Blue rose" and symbolism have met directly.
  • Masters of "a jack of diamonds" used similar receptions.
  • In painting of "a jack Of diamonds" value of high art has been returned a still-life.
  • So there is a series of the pictures devoted заволжским and the Central Asian steppes.
  • "A Mirage in steppe" (1912) - one of the most perfect products of this cycle.
  • Flexible live contours as if are seen through a transparent ripple нагретого by the sun of air.
  • Such products Сарьяна, as Street. Midday.
  • Мейерхольдом - in statements "Гедды Габлер" Ibsen, "Балаганчика".
  • In this connection painting of subjects - a still-life is put forward on the first place.
  • The artist assimilates the work to work of the handicraftsman doing things.



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