Expressionism and Fauvism - Статья по прочим предметам



  • His work has been described as ``Fauvism with dark glasses''.
  • Yet the picture does not depress, but holds out hope of redemption.
  • She is a sad female version of his tortured Christs, a figure mocked and scorned, held in disrepute.
  • The artists of Die Brcke drew inspiration from van Gogh, Gauguin and primitive art.
  • Munch was also a strong influence, having exhibited his art in Berlin from 1892.
  • There is a powerful sense of violence, contained with difficulty, in much of their art.
  • He could even illuminate the marshes of his native Germany with dramatic clashes of stunning color.
  • With sincerity and spontaneity''.
  • The bridge to the future.
  • Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта.



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