The library of our institute - Статья по прочим предметам



  • "Library is a temple of books", -- somebody said.
  • Every person in our country elder than 14 years old, I’m sure, was at least one time in the library.
  • Soon after our studies began, we had heard for a course of lectures about the university library.
  • We were told about the rules of using books we take from the library and about its catalogues.
  • Soon I had to visit our library the first time as I needed a text book on economics.
  • I went downstairs (as library is situated in the ground floor) and found a room I was searching for.
  • Than the librarian asked me if it was for the first time I used the library’s services.
  • So, that is my story about our library.
  • And I fully agree with these wise words.
  • The majority of young people has subscriptions to the libraries they like.



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