Infant Industry Argument: Theory and Practice - диссертация по английскому языку



  • Hence, they might heed if someone who was well aware of the infant industry argument advised them.
  • In the course of my research, I came across various opinions on the infant industry argument.
  • I personally support the infant industry argument as a temporary means towards economic development.
  • Infant Industry Argument: Background.
  • The argument of infant industries remains to be a controversial topic in the world economy.
  • In fact, I never saw any mentioning that Uzbek auto industry was an infant industry.
  • All these things served as an excuse for the Uzbek automotive industry’s failures.
  • Thus the argument has a long tradition in the economic history.
  • Import substitution was another reason to protect and nurture infant industries.
  • Also, I had personal encounters with the top decision-making people of the industry.



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