Humanity in J. Conrad's and W. Somerset's creativity - курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • Object of research in the given work is W. Somerset Saugham’s and Joseph Conrad's creativity.
  • Our work is devoted to the analysis of the novels by William Somerset Maugham and Joseph Conrad.
  • Part Ii. William Somerset Maugham’s "of Human Bondage" And Joseph Conrad’s "lord Jim".
  • Despite these affinities, Conrad defies easy categorization.
  • Conrad’s spatial technique is no less complex, and no less revealing, than his use of time.
  • Conrad expresses it in his Author’s Note, is Jim’s burden of fate.
  • Conrad uses Jim to indicate the moral process of recovery.
  • In Jim, it can be said, Conrad presents heroism with all its limitations [14, 147] .
  • His stay in Heidelberg expands his vision of humanity and life.
  • William Somerset Maugham, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.



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