School in Great Britain - Статья по прочим предметам



  • All kinds of out-of-class activities are part of school life in Britain.
  • Education in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5-16.
  • School-children attend a primary school for 6 years.
  • Most children go to a comprehensive school.
  • But there are also "grammar school" and "secondary-modern schools".
  • At the age of 16 about two-thirds of these pupils leave school and get job or apprenticeships.
  • About one-third stays on at school until the age of 18, preparing themselves for higher education.
  • They stay on at school for one or two years to prepare themselves for university.
  • Most schools have very good libraries which students use for reference work.
  • "Comprehensive" means all-inclusive.



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