History of Andorra - статья по прочим предметам



  • In the eleventh century a dispute arose between the bishop and his northern neighbour over Andorra.
  • Andorra was also annexed and made part of the district of Puigcerd (dpartement of Sgre) .
  • In 1933 France occupied Andorra as a result of social unrest before elections.
  • Francoist troops reached the Andorran border in the later stages of the war.
  • The Bishop then handed over the territory to the Lord of Caboet.
  • This gave the small principality its territory and political form.
  • Over the years the title passed to the kings of Navarre.
  • In the period 1812-13, the First French Empire annexed Catalonia and divided it in four dpartements.
  • He was arrested by Spanish authorities on July 20 and ultimately expelled from Spain.
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